Thursday, November 26, 2009


Many years ago, our family started a tradition of seeing movies on Thanksgiving and the next day. It always seemed like between work and school and household chores there wasn't much time just to spend time together. So the movie theater beckoned to us with all the movies that are released this time of year. So this year, in following that tradition, we are seeing 2 movies today, and 2 tomorrow. Supper tonight will be light fare at home and supper tomorrow night will probably be at a restaurant. I think I'll put some bread in the bread machine to make it more festive. And Saturday I might even bake a pumpkin pie. Whatever is your family tradition, enjoy!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Chicago Photos

I was in Chicago for a business trip, but had one really nice morning to myself. I walked from the hotel over to Navy Pier. On  the way over, I saw some interesting gates that said Northwest University on them. All of the other pictures are in the area surrounding Navy Pier. I loved the outdoor sculptures, and got down real low to take the picture of the last picture to capture the children playing in the park with the Chicago skyline behind them.

New Computer

I won a laptop! Now I don’t have to hibernate into my office in order to put up a new blog entry. Yeah. It is kind of a low end laptop… no not kind of a really low end. 15” Dell, no office programs, has Vista (was purchased in Aug, but I just got it), no mouse (but I just won one of those also). Well, it was actually winning a laptop. I submitted referral names for a vendor we use, and one of the referrals signed up.

I am trying Windows Life Writer on the laptop to see how it works for posting.

First weekend in Nov I was in Chicago, last weekend Dana was gone to FL to visit his dad, and this weekend Adam is home and we are going to Greenville this afternoon to see a Cirque Du Soleil show. I hope to post some neat photos I took in Chicago once I see how all this works.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Another Trip - Traveling to Chicago

Tomorrow I am off to Chicago on a business trip. I am tired tonight and I always over pack when I am tired. Too tired to decide exactly what I will wear each day, so I bring along options. Usually a bad idea as I end up packing enough to last more than the number of days I am gone. Saturday I will have most of the day to shop or go to museums, or just walk around and enjoy being in a big city. Sunday is meetings all day, then meetings Monday morning and right back to the airport. So, Saturday will be my time - until my first meeting at 3:45. Need to grab my ipod and a book and my phone charger, and then off to bed.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Unexpected VIsitor

We always keep our spare bed made up. Never know when a friend might drop in, as was the case this past week. We had a call one night, and the next day a guy who hiked the AT with Dana, and who has become a good friend dropped in for a couple of nights. He lives in New Hampshire and was down here to hike, camp, see fall colors and visit. It was like a mini-vacation for us, and D took one day off from work to go hiking with him. Thanks for reminding us what life is all about -- friends and fun. For some reason, last minute visitors seem like so much more fun, no planning, very spur of the moment, and just relaxing on the back porch, drinking wine, and talking and sharing memories of different trips.